25 February 2014


Ben 12-1

Bast - "In the Beginning" - (Spectres, 2014)
Behexen - "Mouth of Leviathan" - (Behexen/Satanic Warmaster, 2008)
Satanic Warmaster - "Where Eternity Awaits" - (Behexen/Satanic Warmaster, 2008)

Morbus Chron - "The Perennial Link" - (Sweven, 2014 - upcoming)
Woods of Desolation - "Like Falling Leaves" - (As the Stars, 2014)
Altaar - "Tidi Kjem Aldri Att" - (Altaar, 2013)

AJ 1-2

Existem - "Above or Below" (Phoenix - EP, 2014)
Artificial Brain - "Absorbing Black Ignition" (Labyrinth Constellation, 2014)
Between The Buried and Me - "Foam Born: The Back Track/Decade of Statues" (Colors, 2007)
Protest The Hero - "Bloodmeat" (Fortress, 2008)

Anup Sastry - "Free Fall" (Lion - EP, 2014)
Cloudkicker - "Dysphoria" (The Discovery, 2008)
Gojira - "The Art of Dying" (The Way Of All Flesh, 2008)
The Human Abstract - "Faust" (Digital Veil, 2011)

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